Episode 26: February packed with contests

Episode 26: February packed with contests

Let’s take a look at February and a jam-packed roster of radio contests. There’s something for everyone this month – whether you’re a CW or RTTY lover, prefer phone contests or the newer digital modes like FT4.

Read the full text transcript at VA7ST.CA

2 Replies to “Episode 26: February packed with contests”

  1. I have a question concerning the FT4 DX contest organized by the “European FT8-Club”:
    Do you have any information about the “European FT8 Club”. The ony information is the homepage without information, who is behind it. No contest result were published in the last years. I suppose, it is a “fake” club, might be created by MSHV to promote their FT8 contest software.
    Best 73,
    Geza DG5LP

    1. Good question. I do not know about the FT8 Club. The contest had reasonably good participation, and I agree it is likely intended to raise the profile of MSHV software, which I have never used. I use WSJT-X software, which works just fine for FT-mode contesting. If the results aren’t posted for this contest, then there is little reason for anyone to participate in future years.

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