Episode 0: An introduction to Zone Zero

Episode 0: An introduction to Zone Zero

This is the opening episode of Zone Zero — a podcast dedicated to ham or amateur radio contests. These are on-the-air radio events in which thousands of hams around the world try to make contact with one another over a weekend, or in a few hours, using their high frequency radio stations.

Along the way they earn points for each contact – and tally up the countries, or states, or continents to see how big their score can get.

Some call it radiosport, others just call it contesting. I’m an avid radio contester, and I assume you are, too. But maybe not – yet.

For those who are curious, stay tuned and we’ll get you hooked on one of the most interesting, engaging and flat-out fun aspects of amateur radio.

You may be wondering why we’ve started a podcast about radio contesting. Well, ham radio has been around for more than 100 years but there’s never really been a show dedicated to the incredibly complex but also unbelievably fun competitive side of our hobby.

It’s about time, don’t you think?

Show resources

  • WA7BNM Contest Calendar
    As always, for rules and links to just about every contest in the world, check the WA7BNM Contest Calendar. It’s about the best contest listing out there.
  • Orca DX and Contest Club website
    For other links of use to contesters, check out the Orca DX and Contest Club website — it has a short list of upcoming contests, many mentioned in the Zone Zero podcast, plus a handy propagation dashboard for at-a-glance band conditions.

Building a contest station or a special project?
Find the parts on Amazon and support the podcast, too!

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