Episode 6: Psyching up for CQ WPX CW

Episode 6: Psyching up for CQ WPX CW

The world will be alive with CW operators vying in the CQ WPX (Weird Prefix) CW contest May 27 and 28. It’s one of the biggest radio events of the year, with many thousands of hams competing from around the world. That’s the focus of this week’s Zone Zero ham radio contesting podcast.

Episode 4: Volta RTTY DX and the CQ-M International

Episode 4: Volta RTTY DX and the CQ-M International

Prepare for one of the great RTTY events on the annual calendar – the Volta RTTY DX contest this weekend. If you want to score 100 million points in a weekend, then this one is for you. We’ll also look at the CQ-M International DX contest for CW and phone operators.

Episode 2: Florida QSO Party

Episode 2: Florida QSO Party

Organized by the Florida Contest Group, the Florida QSO Party is one of the more well-attended state contests, where everyone around the world turns their antennas toward Florida and tries to work as many stations in as many Florida counties as possible.

Episode 1: SPDX RTTY and BARTG 75 RTTY

Episode 1: SPDX RTTY and BARTG 75 RTTY

In the first full episode of Zone Zero, Bud looks at the SP DX RTTY and BARTG 75 RTTY contests. Both events include a continent multiplier, which adds a fun extra dimension as you scour the bands trying to find all six continents – Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, North and South America.